WEBINAR RADIO IN PROVO-ACTION “Fess up your mess and take action!”

BVoice Radio Proudly Present:

“Fess up your mess and take action!”

BVoice Radio akan ngadain Webinar dengan topik peran radio dalam mengajak pendengarnya untuk menyuarakan aspirasi dan membuat karya dari aspirasi tersebut!

🗣 Our Speakers : Reza Alqadri & Sigi Savero – Mustang Radio 88.0

Save The Date❗
📆Sabtu, 28 November 2020 – 12.30 a.m.

🔆SAT Point (for Binusian)

💵 HTM : 35K 📋

Registration Forms : Bit.ly/RegistrationRPA

📱For More Information 📱
CP: Sasha (Line ID: Sashamuffid12)

#RadioInProvoAction #BVOICERADIO We Are Your Voice And Your Sound!📻

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